The “Saint Matthew” Diocesan Museum, located inside the former Archiepiscopal Seminary, houses some beautiful collections in its four rooms. Among these, numerous paintings on panels of the XIV, XV and XVI century, a cycle of works of the XII century, a painted cross of the XIII century and the prestigious cycle of medieval ivories, coming from the Cathedral, dating back to the late XI and early the XII century stand out. Unique in the world in their kind, the 64 tablets, including 13 medallions and 15 fragments of frames, illustrate episodes from the Old and New Testament.
In addition to the four-sided portico, there are several rooms available for holding events:
– the Conference Hall is located and develops longitudinally along the left wing of the portico. It looks like a simple and elegant environment, with a seventeenth-century canvas on the back wall, ideal for hosting any type of event: conferences, meetings, presentations, conventions, congresses, meetings, team building, training courses, professional training workshops, meetings. The large size of the room is suitable for seating up to 150-200, and is also equipped with an audio amplification system and microphones;
– the Hall of the Archbishops is located on the right side after the entrance to the Museum; large and bright, with its richly decorated period floor, it hosts a wonderful fresco on the ceiling: an elegant and accurate space for hosting events of adequate importance;
– the Saint Catherine Hall is located in front of the museum’s entrance, large and bright, also equipped with a small secondary entrance, it adapts well to a not too high capacity. With the pointed arches that stand out on the vault and the sixteenth-century table of Our Lady of the Rosary and mysteries on the back wall create a welcoming and refined environment.